Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Little Mud Ball


Milo looooves to roll in the dirt.  Especially after he's gone for a swim in the pond.  That way the dirt really cakes on his fur and makes him as dirty as possible.  Maybe he's part pig?  I don't know, but what I do know is that he loves being a mud ball and I say, whatever makes him happy.  Just as long as he doesn't expect to jump on the bed after that!


  1. I can relate! We had the dogs on a leashed walk the other day... we had already been walking for awhile and it was really hot out. Before I knew it, Nina had crossed behind my legs and was laying down in the mud. Rolling around. Of course, then she crossed behind my legs a bit later again and I got huge lines of mud on the backs of my legs from the muddy leash.

  2. So cute! I showed this photo to Calvin, who wondered how he could have missed out on this joy of life for so long...

  3. At least it's just mud! Up here all my friends with dogs have a serious problem in the fall...their dogs rolling in dead salmon carcasses. Yum.

  4. Kristen, let's do ourselves a favor and NOT get Milo & Calvin together. They might teach each other a few tricks that we don't want them sharing! Hugs to you and Calvin and thanks for hanging around my blog:)
